WR441: Jordan Voth

Episode 441 December 05, 2019 00:50:59
WR441: Jordan Voth
Witchpolice Radio
WR441: Jordan Voth

Dec 05 2019 | 00:50:59


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

In-demand Winnipeg producer [Jordan Voth](http://jnvoth.ca/) has a busy schedule working with local artists and putting his unique sonic stamp on their (mainly) punk, hardcore, emo and metal records. He's back on the show for the first time in a couple of years to talk about his huge list of 2019 releases – including projects for bands like [Waster](http://witchpolice.podiant.co/e/wr354-waster-370672e9cf2056/), [Screaming at Traffic](http://witchpolice.podiant.co/e/wr416-screaming-at-traffic-37b4e1a289a944/), [Nice Cops](http://witchpolice.podiant.co/e/wr335-nice-cops-36cdcc71d0a3a6/), and more – and what he's looking forward to in 2020. We also touch on Jordan's own band, Bleed American, as well as his inexplicable love for the Toronto Maple Leafs and his thoughts on the whole Mike Babcock situation (which was fresh news when we recorded the interview), as well as the social reckoning hockey seems to be having in general. This episode is brought to you by our pals at [the Park Theatre](http://www.myparktheatre.com/), as well as [the Beer Boutique](http://www.facebook.com/beerboutiquewpg/), managed by Winnipeg punk mainstay [StevO Nelson](http://witchpolice.podiant.co/e/wr440-stevo-nelson-37f6eda874119e/). It’s also brought to you by [Trevor Fisher](http://www.linkedin.com/in/fishertrevor) of Way2Wealth Management, a local Certified Financial Planner who can help you start planning your financial independence. Call him at 204-471-3011 or email him at trevor@way2wealth.ca to get your finances on the right track today!

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