WR440: StevO Nelson

Episode 440 December 02, 2019 00:39:25
WR440: StevO Nelson
Witchpolice Radio
WR440: StevO Nelson

Dec 02 2019 | 00:39:25


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

StevO Nelson (of bands like [Clipwing](http://clipwing.bandcamp.com/) and [In2Months](http://in2months.bandcamp.com/)) is a well-known name in Winnipeg's punk scene, dating back to the '90s, but he's splitting his time these days between punk rock and becoming the city's newest beer baron. StevO has become as into the craft beer scene as he is about punk music, and he's currently running things down at [the Beer Boutique](http://www.facebook.com/beerboutiquewpg/). This interview is a conversation, recorded at the store, where StevO talks about his bands' current and upcoming projects, as well as his passion for beer and why he feels as strongly as he does about the new gig slinging beer. Full disclosure: I'm not a drinker, and alcohol is not a subject I know a lot about, but Steve sold the idea to me because he sees a lot of comparisons between DIY punk rock and the burgeoning independent craft beer industry. The songs on this episodes are by some of his various bands over the years, and I even snuck an Insanely Unsound track circa 1998 in there too! Shoutout to my inexplicable and infuriating adult-onset stutter for showing up all over this episode (sorry). This episode brought to you by our friends at [the Park Theatre](http://www.myparktheatre.com/) and, of course, by the Beer Boutique, which StevO is so excited about that he paid out of his own pocket for a bunch of ads on upcoming episodes.

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