WR713: Dog Pops

Episode 713 August 08, 2022 00:30:00
WR713: Dog Pops
Witchpolice Radio
WR713: Dog Pops

Aug 08 2022 | 00:30:00


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

The guests on this episode, Dog Pops, are a new band that emerged from local (sorta) indie supergroup Marshall & Some Buddies.

They’re getting set to play their first show and just released a very bird-heavy EP.

We talked songs about food and animals (mostly written on the toilet), recurring dog themes, not taking yourself too seriously, the debut record, avoiding social media, and much more.

This episode brought to you by our pals at Devine Shirt Company, who have brand new Witchpolice merch in the works! Watch for that!

Huge thanks to everyone who supports the podcast on Patreon, like our newest patron, Jeremy Jackiew (who is getting a second shoutout here because I haven't recorded the audio one yet)! You can help out for as little as $1 a month if you like the show and want to throw some change in the guitar case! You can also throw a one-time tip via Buymeacoffee.

As always, if you like the podcast, please tell a friend or 20! Rate and review on your podcast player of choice! Word of mouth is still the main way Witchpolice Radio reaches new ears.

Thanks for listening!

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