Winnipeg’s premier Ukrainian folk/punk fusion outfit, Zrada, is back with a new EP and a revamped lineup!
I sat down with two-sevenths of the new-look band — which includes a strong franco-manitobain contingent — to talk about the new release, and much more!
Need more Zrada in your life? Check out episode #611 (Aug. 2021)
This episode brought to you by our pals at Devine Shirt Company.
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Legendary Winnipeg bluesman Big Dave McLean is still grinding away -- playing, touring and recording into his 70s.I talked to the local icon over...
Solo artist Andrew Floyd's latest project, Lifte, is a very personal one.His raw new cover album, 'Disconnected' — as well as his previous releases...
Witchpolice Radio continues in guest mode with this week's instalment, featuring none other than Mas Steve in Jon's usual spot. Rob Crooks is back...