WR428: Quinton Blair live!

Episode 428 October 21, 2019 01:19:59
WR428: Quinton Blair live!
Witchpolice Radio
WR428: Quinton Blair live!

Oct 21 2019 | 01:19:59


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

As many of you know, I like to host back yard shows with some of my favourite local artists, usually in the summer. This episode you're about to hear was intended to take place outside, but then Manitoba got[ hammered with a storm](http://globalnews.ca/news/6022654/manitobans-may-be-in-the-dark-into-sunday-hydro/), so we had a Thanksgiving potluck in the house, with the one and only [Quinton Blair](http://quintonblair.com/) performing two fantastic live sets to a basement crammed full of people. Quinton – backed by Sean Borton of [Foster Martin Band](http://www.fostermartinband.com/) fame – played originals, covers, requests, and even some new tunes. I've always maintained that house shows are the best way to see live music, and this was yet another example of why that's true. Hopefully we can make these potluck/house shows a Thanksgiving tradition. If you dig Quinton's music, why not check out the [recent interview](http://witchpolice.podiant.co/e/wr396-quinton-blair-377cda13ed2bea/) I did with him for the podcast? This episode brought to you by our friends at [the Park Theatre](http://www.myparktheatre.com/), and by Manitoba country artist [Brian Jacobs](http://brianjacobsmusic.ca/), whose excellent '[Highways and Backroads](http://[[text](http://)](http://)brianjacobs.bandcamp.com/album/highways-backroads)' record is up for two Manitoba Country Music Association awards!

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