WR429: Roger('s) Arsenal

Episode 429 October 24, 2019 00:32:43
WR429: Roger('s) Arsenal
Witchpolice Radio
WR429: Roger('s) Arsenal

Oct 24 2019 | 00:32:43


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

You might know singer-songwriter [Roger's Arsenal](http://rogersarsenal.bandcamp.com) for his roles in a number of Winnipeg bands over the years, or for his heart-wrenching solo material, but he’s spent the last little while working on something new – his first book. "[Bear's Necessities](http://www.instagram.com/bearsnecessitiesbook/)" –written by "Roger Arsenal" – comes out on Halloween, and we talked about self-publishing, transitioning from a songwriter to a novelist, and much more! Please note the last few minutes of the interview got cut off because the memory card was full, so I threw one of Roger's songs up there at the end instead. Also, I realized after the fact that I repeat myself ("fun conversation") in the intro. Sorry. This episode brought to you by our friends at [the Park Theatre](http://www.myparktheatre.com/)!

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