WR046: "Outlaw" Adam Knight / Employee of the Month

Episode 46 October 16, 2013 01:28:07
WR046: "Outlaw" Adam Knight / Employee of the Month
Witchpolice Radio
WR046: "Outlaw" Adam Knight / Employee of the Month

Oct 16 2013 | 01:28:07


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

This week's theme is "gunslinger," but it might as well have been "wrestling" as our guests -- pro wrestler "Outlaw" Adam Knight and rapper Employee of the Month -- found a lot in common on that topic.
In addition to 19 years in the rasslin' biz, the Outlaw is also a published author, with a new book on the e-shelves, Cowboy Ending. Employee, who records for our pals at DEAFWISH, has a new wrestling-themed album out, Thunderslutpunch. He also performed a live track from that record at the end of the show (see below).

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