I had a delightful conversation with singer-songwriter Keri Latimer about the new Leaf Rapids LP, which -- if you're listening right when this podcast comes out -- was just released today!
Here's our chat about the record and subsequent tour (kicking off tonight, April 19, at Times Change[d]!), Americana/Canadiana, dreamlike songs, terrifying clown paintings, and more…
(...and yes, this episode jumped the queue because I wanted it to coincide with the release date)
This episode brought to you by our pals at Devine Shirt Company.
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I'm still excited about this one. Beloved children's entertainer (and straight-up Canadian music legend) Fred Penner was at the top of my unofficial 'dream'...
Jazz guitarist [Keith Price](http://www.keithprice.ca/) and a murderer’s row of local musicians (including Erin Propp, Ismaila Alfa, Kevin Waters, Jared Beckstead-Craan and Dallas Nedotiafko) are...
Whalehammer is more than just a ridiculous (but kinda great) band name!Here's a conversation with the local trio about marrying heavy music with layers...