Latest Episodes

WR033: Kvik
Jon's back as co-host this week for the first episode in a while. For #33, we talk "tapes" with Simon Thibaudeau, a/k/a Winnipeg-by-way-of-Montreal noise...

WR032: Steve Jowsey / Drew Diduke
Our pals at DEAFWISH are represented on Witchpolice Radio for the third consecutive week, this time in the person of Drew Diduke, a member...

WR031: Rock Trembath / Natalie Haines-Wallace
Here's the second Deafwish episode in a row! This week featured Deafwish CVO (Central Victory Officer) Rock Trembath (a/k/a DJ Found Dead) as a...

WR030: Kent Davies / White Dawg
We managed to (unintentionally) arrange things so we have three weeks in a row of guests connected to Winnipeg's Deafwish record label, kicking off...

WR029: Indicator Indicator / Jenny Henkelman
Our guests: Sandy Taronno, a/k/a indie-pop wizard Indicator Indicator and frontman of the on-hiatus Quinzy. He was also in the mighty Del Paxton and...

WR028: Damien Ferland
For episode #28, Winnipeg filmmaker, music video director and DJ Damien Ferland stopped by the basement to talk about the "tooth" theme. This was...