Latest Episodes

WR119: Chivas & Kream, Matt Redd, KayR, Billy Mys & Kris Cadence (RhymeLabb)
[**Chivas & Kream**]( **** return to the podcast to promote their [upcoming CD release show]( (April 4, Park Theatre, Winnipeg) alongside most of the...

WR118: Occvlt Hand
This week we're talking "nutrition" songs with **Terrance Williams** and **Josh Bedry** of doom/sludge/hardcore band **[Occvlt Hand](, ** who recently released their debut cassette,...

WR117: RasTamils
East meets west on this week’s episode, featuring the two founding members of innovative local reggae outfit RasTamils. Franklin Fernando and Martin Valach mine...

WR116: None the Wiser
This week, Sam drops in on **[None the Wiser](** singer/guitarist **Eli Matas** to drink non-alcoholic beers, talk “intensity” songs and more! None the Wiser...

WR114: The Thrashers
** ** Surf-punks **[The Thrashers](** are about to release their sci-fi opus, _[Robot Invaders From the Death Galaxy](,_ but first they sat down to...

WR113: JFK and the Conspirators
For this double-length episode, Sam sat down with JFK and the Invisible Man of iconic Winnipeg ska/reggae/dancehall group JFK and the Conspirators. In this...