Latest Episodes

WR130: Carey J. Buss
This episode marks the triumphant return of folk singer/guitar wizard Carey J. Buss, who last appeared around these parts way back on episode #69....

WR129: Hypernashion
We venture into uncharted territory on this episode in conversation with Artur Winogrodzki of Polish-Canadian dub/reggae/electronic act Hypernashion. Despite the wide range of genres...

WR128: The Tims
We ditched the theme word this week to devote 20 minutes at the end of the show to a three-song live performance by this...

WR127: Quinton Blair / Country Steve
Quinton Blair sings convincing country songs because he legitimately lives the life in rural Manitoba. Quinton talks about performing on the rodeo circuit, western...

WR126: The Mixtape
We had a regular interview episode lined up for this week, but technical difficulties meant the file couldn't be accessed right away, so we...

WR125: Nyco Rudolph / Tiff Bartel / Allan Lorde
We talk to a lot of musicians on this show, but there are aspects of the music biz that go beyond just the performance...