3Peat rapper **[E.GG](https://eggnmx.bandcamp.com/)** is back again, seemingly out of nowhere, with the release of his masterful new record, _[Est. 1873](https://eggnmx.bandcamp.com/album/est-1873)_. We talk with E.GG...
** ** Surf-punks **[The Thrashers](https://www.facebook.com/thrashersrocknroll)** are about to release their sci-fi opus, _[Robot Invaders From the Death Galaxy](http://thethrashers.bandcamp.com/album/robot-invaders-from-the-death-galaxy),_ but first they sat down to...
The mighty [Vagina Witchcraft](http://vaginawitchcraft.bandcamp.com/) are back on the show (all four of them this time)! We talked all about their deadly debut album of...