WR848: Facetape

Episode 848 November 24, 2023 00:46:14
WR848: Facetape
Witchpolice Radio
WR848: Facetape

Nov 24 2023 | 00:46:14


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

Lots of faces (and voices) on this one! Alternative hip-hop collective Facetape includes a local Winnipeg member (Mr. Introvert), plus vocalists, producers and instrumentalists from all over the map, including Ontario, Michigan, Tennessee, California, and beyond!

Here's our conversation about the logistics of putting together such a far-flung group for the new ‘Rosebud’ album, combining a wide range of styles and influences, and much more.

This episode brought to you by our pals at Devine Shirt Company.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: If you're like me, you probably have a closet full of local band merch. And whether you know it or not, a lot of that band merch is probably made by Divine Shirt Company right here in Winnipeg. Divine Shirt Company has made all of the Great Witch Police merch from our hoodies to our tupes to our T shirts. And if you're looking to get anything done like screen printing, embroidery, graphic design, digital printing, go to see Divine Shirt Company at Divineshirtcompany CA and tell them Witchpolice Radio. One of our colleagues, Sam Thompson, who if you saw him, you'd sort of right away assume he was a hippie. [00:00:45] Speaker B: Get up your ass and get up on the podcast. [00:01:05] Speaker A: Radio. I'm here with a very large group of people. Usually, if you're a regular listener to the show, you might hear me talking to at most maybe three members of a band, four members of a band and me. And right now on the screen, we have at least six and maybe more to come. So this one will be a little chaotic. So I think the best way to start this off is for everyone to introduce themselves individually and then listeners can put a name to the voice because there are a lot of you here and I think it's going to be a little bit chaotic trying to figure out who's who. So whoever wants to start at this point, really just who you are and then what you do as a part of this project. [00:01:39] Speaker C: I am Mr. Vert. I am a musician since 2015. I specialize within hip hop and vapor wave music. And what I do in this band is I provide vocals. [00:01:53] Speaker A: Cool. [00:01:53] Speaker D: I guess I'll go. My name is Jeremy Lane. I'm one of the vocalists and I help a lot with the structures and the buildings of our projects as a whole. Usually I'll be the one to assign artists to what parts of the songs and then eventually what that song Woman should look like at the end of everything. [00:02:14] Speaker E: I'll go next. I am J three or James. I am, as of right now, the main producer of the group. And I also mix everything. So that includes vocals, beats, whatever it is. I am also a vocalist. I am on a few tracks, basically just kind of the guy you go to if you need something mixed down or whatever it is you need. [00:02:38] Speaker A: Cool. [00:02:39] Speaker F: Okay, I'll go next. I'm Zach. I'm a producer for the group. I kind of, like, got the ball rolling. I kind of started the group. [00:02:48] Speaker G: But yeah, I'm Ryan. I'm a guitarist and vocalist. I got into music as a touring guitarist and now I sit in my bedroom. [00:03:04] Speaker H: I'm finn ziggler. I also go by Cubart. I do mainly, like, vocals in this group. I also produce some stuff, make some beats. I've been doing this for a few years now, but, yeah, that's about it. [00:03:19] Speaker A: Cool. [00:03:20] Speaker E: I forgot to mention, sorry. I've been making music, I've been drumming since I was two years old. So in 2004 I started drumming and I started producing probably about four or five years ago. [00:03:32] Speaker B: Okay. [00:03:32] Speaker E: I just started to take it seriously. [00:03:34] Speaker A: Cool. I know you have new music coming out and we'll get into that because that's sort of the reason we're doing this now. But just to kind of put it into mean this show, this podcast, it focuses primarily on Winnipeg and Manitoba artists. And I know that this group is from people from all over the place. So what is sort of the geography here? I know at least one of you is local to where I'm recording the show, but what's sort of the connection? Where are you all from and how did this get put together? Because we've got a lot of people here, obviously. [00:04:06] Speaker D: I can answer that just from my side. So I think this group was originally started in August, September, and how I joined was Zach caleb. [00:04:20] Speaker E: Caleb of 2022. Not this year. It was 2022. [00:04:28] Speaker G: That's important. [00:04:32] Speaker D: I'm from Su St. Marie, Ontario, Canada. So I live the province over from anitoba. And yeah, that's where I am at since we started this. Anyway. [00:04:47] Speaker G: Yeah, I'm just south of him in Michigan. [00:04:49] Speaker A: Okay. [00:04:52] Speaker E: I live in the Bay Area. In other besides our social media manager, I'm the furthest away from everyone else. Everyone else is kind of central East Coast. So I'm all the way over. [00:05:09] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:05:09] Speaker H: No, I'm out in South Jersey, near Philly. [00:05:17] Speaker D: My boy. [00:05:19] Speaker F: Yeah, I'm all the way out in Tennessee, so I'm all the way east coast. [00:05:23] Speaker A: So with all this sort of variety of location, how did this come together? Because I know a lot of you are sort of central in the continent here, but there's a lot of miles between from city to city to city. For all of you. How did this become a project where you worked on this together? Did you know each other beforehand? How does a group like this get introduced to each other even? [00:05:49] Speaker D: Honestly, I don't know if you are familiar with Brock Hampton, but the leader of that group, Kevin Abstract, he put on at the time was a Kanye West forum back in, like I don't know if it was like 2010 or 2008 or I don't know the exact date, but basically just saying, who wants to make a band? And so after the group broke up so many years later, someone made a reddit, like a subreddit that was a homage to that. [00:06:15] Speaker A: Okay. [00:06:16] Speaker D: And I can't speak to everyone who joined, but for me personally, I needed another avenue of creativity. So I just happened to come across Zach's post and I left a comment just saying, if you need a vocalist, I can do it, I'm here. And his post was about a month from when I actually commented. And so I left a comment and then nothing came of it about two or three days later, I got a DM from him asking if I could send him solo stuff and just stuff like that. And I did. And then within that week, I was a part of the group and I was a part of the initial creativity for the first album we all don't really like to talk about, but I was there. That initial making of the original tape we all made together and back when the group was arguably double the size we have now. But that's how I joined I can't speak for everybody, but that's how I came across and that's how I stumbled onto Zach, Finn and Tristan. At the time, Ryan and James were in the group, but that's who I became familiar with at first. [00:07:25] Speaker A: Well, to avoid having everyone explain their own personal origin story here because that might take a while, just want to clarify this. So this is an online thing. You all met online somehow, whether it's through that form or elsewhere, and decided to work together musically. [00:07:41] Speaker C: Yes. [00:07:42] Speaker F: Right. [00:07:45] Speaker A: Again, you have new music coming out and I'm going to get to that in a second. But this is fascinating to me, the idea that you're all so far apart. I guess one of the things that I really like about doing a very locally focused show is that I talk to people from whether it's a death metal band, a country singer, a jazz artist, whatever, and no matter what kind of music it is, there's always very regional sounds. There's always something about it that kind of implies Manitoba, implies Winnipeg. And I think that's the same for anywhere. I mean, you can get music from New York, it sounds like it's from New York, you get music from England, it sounds like it's from England, and so on. [00:08:18] Speaker B: Right. [00:08:18] Speaker A: So do you think that this is kind of a question for anyone, really? Do you think that this group kind of is combining a bunch of regional sounds into one sort of larger, more nebulous thing? Because especially with something hip hop influenced, that's a genre where kind of having that local sound is really important and is sort of a major thing. Does that come through, do you think, in the overall sound like all of these different regional vibes together? [00:08:44] Speaker E: Yeah, I think it really does. I've personally noticed a lot of different sounds from each of our vocalists that get onto a beat that I've made or that Zach has made and kind of see what directions they go in. If there's a solid beat foundation and we don't know what we're kind of doing with the vocals yet and we get two different vocals on at the same time, you can really hear the influence from both sides and where they're from, who they are as a person kind of deal. And sometimes they underline, which is really nice. And it can make the whole song kind of have these different vibes, but it sounds amazing, in my opinion. [00:09:20] Speaker A: Anyone else have that? Go ahead. No, you go ahead. I was going to ask if anyone else had a comment on it, but you're about to. So yeah. [00:09:29] Speaker D: To add on what James said, it's really cool because you can hear the influences of everybody. Not so much definitely that regional sound, but you can hear the influence. At least for me personally, I get a lot of my influence from the underground sound and alternative, whereas someone like Ryan, for example, gets a lot of his inspiration from actual touring bands. And I can't think of a band on top of my head, but he's. [00:09:57] Speaker G: Been yeah, I'm from the Ann Arbor jazz and funk scene. [00:10:02] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:10:03] Speaker G: I'm very much disconnected with the things that bring these guys together. Honestly, it works. [00:10:11] Speaker D: And the beauty of what Ryan's saying is even when we want to do a song, for example, and we want to say we want to have Ryan on guitar solo or our vocals, he's really good at just adapting. To that sound and just finding his pocket in there where a lot of us are just generally familiar with that and can do whatever it is we need to do on that beat. And then once what Game said, the foundation is laid. That's when you start adding and piecing together smaller bits like a hook from Ryan and then backup vocals and just stuff like that. It's actually really a wonderful creative process when all of us are on that same page. [00:11:00] Speaker B: Let me let me talk to you. And late night being trying to get me get me some all damn night if I go home alone. Guess it's a flashlight. Right here, man. Action group tight. Get the whole crowd. Like it's a fight. Make the whole damn spit the spin. The tie is a kite not wheezy or nine but wheezy and prime car to 30 in the car waiting that's where my love for rap starts. Take it. Off the charts now off the mark with what I'm saying here let me make it clear. The click is here. Curtain call won't happen for you. That's where my love for rap starts. Take it off the charts now. Off the mark with what I'm saying here. Let me make it clear. The click is here. Curtain cold. Won't happen. I'm still climbing and I'm still fighting. [00:11:46] Speaker I: Getting my own god jam with me riding they said they run it but. [00:11:49] Speaker B: It'S pretty clear they're lying they said. [00:11:51] Speaker I: They swung it but it's not alive or buying? I'm still climbing and I'm still fighting getting my own god jam with me riding they said they run it but. [00:12:00] Speaker B: It'S pretty clear they're lying. [00:12:02] Speaker I: They said they swung it, but it's. [00:12:03] Speaker B: Not alive or buying. [00:12:04] Speaker C: Fumbled a bad chick, but I still got my team. You know, I got the vision. Can't let nothing come between. When I die, I'm saying don't touch my music. You'll take what's got sent and heavily abuse it. I'm heavenly best thing Zeus brought upon you. I use Hades hair to light up my marijuana biracial bisexual so by you see double you should probably get your. [00:12:23] Speaker B: Bifocals checked if you do trouble. [00:12:25] Speaker C: Nothing's right in my life but fuck it, we ball mess the work right, but fuck it, we ball. And I'm scared about death. But fuck it, we ball. You spout. Your opinion, but I don't care at all. To be honest, I hate you, Niggas. But I pity you, Niggas, because you don't got the figures. No cash, no hot bods like us. And I love up my niggas way. [00:12:45] Speaker I: Past prime month light up the backwood smoke like we should bars, moon walking because I'm that good I like my checks like the checks on my feet they're clean and expensive I'll rock, then I'll lean so goddamn pretty I'm a Ricky's kind of guy, mary Jane smoking with two bitches at my side, scoring like I'm Jordan? You think it's 95? Ain't no way I'm stopping, baby? [00:13:07] Speaker B: I'm still in my pride. I'm still climbing and I'm still fighting. [00:13:11] Speaker I: Getting my own god jam with me riding they said they run it but. [00:13:15] Speaker B: It'S pretty clear they're lying they said. [00:13:17] Speaker I: They swung it but it's not alive. [00:13:18] Speaker B: Or buying I'm still climbing and I'm. [00:13:21] Speaker I: Still fighting getting my own god, jam with me riding. They said they run it, but it's. [00:13:26] Speaker B: Pretty clear they're lying. [00:13:27] Speaker I: They say they swung it, but it's. [00:13:28] Speaker B: Not alive or buying shouts out to Jam for mixing this tape I've been bumping his. Shit as I drive the interstate. Got to let them know who's going to make it, which is us. Because we got kids. Because I've been talking to a wall. I want my voice to reach them all. I want the record labels call I want the bathroom, not the stall I want her reaching at my balls and my decrease super tall I want the master volume on I want to fill the venue hall I want the prince to say I'm real. I want to sign a record deal. I want to eat those fancy meals. I want to reinvent the wheel. I want to reach for what's? Unreal fuck everything. I deal. I have my very own spiel. What is my Achilles heel? I want to make the people smile, give them something. That's what I want. To go the extra mile, even if an empty doll of gas won't last the trial. Want my own lifestyle where I void all the gal. And if I want to holidays and they hurt me, but it's pretty clear they ain't. They said they're working, but it's pretty clear they wait till an hour before the deadline, then they ask for a due date. That's like a week late. That's why my shit always delayed. I want to finally get paid, feast on the bread I made. I want to make them go crazy, want to drive them insane. I want the house at the lake. All my grandma used to say. I want to talk about some shit without feeling out of shame. I just want to funnel shit my thoughts and I'm keep it going. All right, stop. [00:15:17] Speaker A: Is it fairly democratic as far as contributing to the songs or are there certain people who, on a certain track will definitely take the lead and sort of this is their song that other people are contributing to? Or is it really like an open thing where everyone's involved in the creation of everything? [00:15:32] Speaker E: I'd say this first album that's coming out in six days is kind of more of open to everyone. But the next album that we're working on is definitely more single person focused, in a sense. We haven't really had a song in this album where there's one person who has done two verses on a song. Like, someone has done a verse and a hook, but they haven't had two verses. But in our next album we're working on right now, there are people who have two different verses on the same song and that's something that we haven't done yet up until this point. [00:16:03] Speaker A: Cool. [00:16:04] Speaker E: It just depends on what the album theme is and what we're kind of doing. [00:16:09] Speaker A: Yeah, that makes sense, for sure. So with this album that's coming out, I mean, by the time people hear this, it might already be out. Most likely it will be, and people can find it and check it out. But what is the process of recording when you're all spread out across the continent here like this? I mean, obviously the Internet being how you met and how you sort of have connected, that's got to be part of it. You have the ability to with our fancy new technology, you can send tracks back and forth and things like that. But what's sort of the process of putting together a record when everyone is separate and you're trying to collaborate on something like this? [00:16:45] Speaker D: The actual process, I think, is really cool, personally, just because a lot of the guys in the group trust me with coordinating who has this long of a verse and who goes here, who goes there, and a lot of the times, the producers. So James and Zach will have those timestamps. So then it's easier for me to be like, okay, let's know maybe two rappers and one singer, and then we can carry the whole song. That just for us anyway. It depends on the song and that beat. But usually a lot of the time when I assign and if it's James making the beat, him and I are usually on that same page and we both kind of see the similar vision and how the song will turn out. And it very rarely does the song actually ever look like how we initially hear it. But to that, it's really cool to see. Like after I get Tristan's verse or I get back Finn's verse and we hear it and James mixes it on the beat and we're okay, let's it's such a strong verse. How about we alter our lyrics or alter just the song order just to compensate for that verse because it is so strong and it is so powerful in that aspect that we don't want to do it any injustice. We might as well just build on top of it, you know what I mean? [00:18:01] Speaker A: Are there alternate versions of a lot of these songs where other people's verses have been kind of put in and taken out and things like that? [00:18:07] Speaker D: Yes, James, that's you. That's more you. [00:18:11] Speaker E: There are quite a few songs on there where there were verses that were amazing by themselves but did not fit the song. And so there are going to be verses where they just unfortunately did not fit in the song. But there is a case with one of Mr. Introverts verses on this song from ages ago, from before I was even in the group that was made. And it just so happened to be I got sent the vocals. I was going to do kind of a rough mix of it, see if we still wanted to do anything with it, which we didn't. Ended up being the same BPM as our song. I'll just say our song Bottle Off of Rosebud, which is the album that's dropping. And I was like, okay, it's kind of funny, it's in the same BPM. I'm just going to mess around a little bit, see if it fits. And it fit perfectly. It fit the vibe of the song so well. It goes hard. It does everything we needed it to do and it was not supposed to be for that song. That verse was probably about a year old, but it works. [00:19:13] Speaker D: Like to further what Jane is saying, the newest single we just put out called Retrograde. Initially, I was the first one on that beat and I had this whole verse that was generally more sad than anything. It was just depressing. And not that it didn't resonate with the beat, it just wasn't the vibe at the time. And by the time we got near the end of recording the whole album, that song in particular, everyone else's verses were such a different tone that I had to readjust my verse and rerecord it and rewrite it. So much so that James himself actually he liked the original version so much more that he tabled it on until the end and he had like a separate beat, sort of breakdown to speak to. That is basically if you come out with a strong enough verse and we can make it work, there's no way that we can't fit it in there somehow as long as sort of we're all on that same page and we all agree that that verse, it works. Here and it works there and whether or not it matches that vibe per se. It's more about the energy. I would say personally, if the energy is there and the passion is there, it can really make that song. [00:20:24] Speaker B: You lap at the top. [00:20:44] Speaker C: Better bring a parachute. Opinions can be canceled as the other avenue try to hold me down. [00:20:49] Speaker B: Really? [00:20:50] Speaker C: Nothing you can do? Then play my music when I step into the room. Captain Midnight, I'll hijack MTV to play music videos. [00:20:57] Speaker B: What? [00:20:57] Speaker C: We came to see you cook the dish. But I create the recipe. I'm not impressed. Channel Gordon Ramsay. Took the best from my idols, made my own sound. Grew up my head. [00:21:07] Speaker I: If it's the look of a clown. [00:21:08] Speaker C: The opposite of afternoon is when I come around mucking all the time got the signs of it sound like whoa. [00:21:18] Speaker B: The opposite of afternoon is when I come around mucking all the time with the signs of a town like whoa. [00:21:24] Speaker I: Little shit. [00:21:24] Speaker B: Ugly pack of space and potatoes. You got dookie stains riding up the. [00:21:28] Speaker C: Side of your bait. You rob with the face that ain't finna tell you to change. [00:21:31] Speaker B: The laughing your face even though you got some guap in the bank like. [00:21:34] Speaker C: Cheddar never feeling wide the scope on God. He why he toting the pole, stacking their heads up like a toad on fold like a caravan. [00:21:42] Speaker B: And RDR hold up and go if a girl, I'm a dip no returning is the model on the wrong with the dope and the guy won the lotto but I run with the folks we slide into the next week chasing the bag. The last guy left, we chasing like a track star. Follow like a hound. Kick him like a field go had him touch him down like o's on his body. Make a swallow on the Browns. Like o's on his body make a swallow on the ground saddle got these women flocking fast wondering just where I'm. [00:22:29] Speaker I: At I'm busy working on my craft. [00:22:31] Speaker B: This is how I live and breathe road Runner with the dash hope my boy will get to me. [00:22:34] Speaker I: Fog fitted and all of these bitches want to smell like Lane. I can see that they're itching fucking with their vision every fucking goddamn second I'm a whole different division you could. [00:22:43] Speaker B: Tell just by my session I'm about. [00:22:45] Speaker I: To pull it out, cock it back, then let it go. Take on every single one of you. So not replaceable. Humans ever change the same as before? I keep my best locked up deep in my core. [00:22:54] Speaker B: Tired of disloyalty and bitch. Shit, you ain't even got the bother say split safe. I'm a pagan in the moment. You were preaching for the slowest of my fuck. I mean my quota. And I'm rubbing nephew's motor back up. Don't you got your wax up? I know you've been lying and I know about your lack of bitches and money but you still like to act a fool when you come around but it don't matter you got your shit and I got mine just know we keep it real better drop an album don't we really get signed? Because if we don't pop up, I'm a classify a crime excavator pick up my head, don't need no extra favorite. I'll be like greater excavator, I'll shut your drop it later I've got to reduce the ocean. Take me Major from the fuck the baker wake up and beat you baker. That's my boy by the maker, that boy, that mother round the town. Air drops on glass. I call the crown disappoint, I call the mouth. Let me fill it out. I am the coat of yes down. [00:24:05] Speaker I: Jacksonville stripes getting fucking with the style. I'm killing every minute. I've been going kind of wild holding her attention by the way I'm looking now when she's getting kind of hot, you know she loves to drop it down I'm the coldest thing that's in the north, the smoothest one that's out the door. And if you want to step for sure, then fucking get ready for war. I'm running out of time, so this needs to happen fast writing verse after verse after verse in the back, I'ma switch my tone better watch what you say. The baddest to the bone, man motherfucker race. I'm a slide, I'm a slide when I'm in the Chevrolet you will die. You will die every time you step to may. I am sharper than a fang. I am sharper than a blade. I will snatch a fucking chains of all those that want to play and humans never change are the same as before I keep my best locked up deep in my car. [00:25:00] Speaker B: Um. [00:25:04] Speaker A: That'S, um it's interesting you mentioned the energy, too, because in listening to what I could find online so far, which is the singles that you have out already, it definitely seems like it's high energy. I mean, a lot of the verses are the speed is pretty good. Like it's it's it's it's not there's nothing lazy going on here. It seems like it's very hyped up and everything. And so for a band that can't play live based on the necessity. [00:25:30] Speaker B: How. [00:25:30] Speaker A: Do you get that feel, though, right? Because that's a big part of it, of having that kind of energy is the live element, especially with something that is very hip hop heavy. So how do you get that without having that ability to sort of be in the same room and be doing it in front of a crowd or knowing that you're going to do it in front of a crowd? [00:25:47] Speaker E: Well, a lot of the times we're in calls and we're kind of getting the energy of that song is supposed to be or otherwise, if we can't make a call, we just kind of try and get the sort of basis of the song figured out already. So that when you start writing your verse or when I start mixing it or something like that, I know exactly kind of what sound we're going for. I know exactly what person is going for what, who's going where, and it creates this weird energy that we all just work so well together somehow, even though we've never met a day in our life. This is, like, my family, I consider, and it's crazy how well we work and fit together. Being online, like you said, it is kind of crazy to me, but it works. [00:26:37] Speaker D: Sorry. Just to further what James said, he is also really good as vocalists. If you have an idea for your verse, you have an effect you want, and you run it past him. He's very good at just tossing it in there, and he's really honest in the sense of, like, he'll do it. He'll let him do it by himself. And if it makes it to that final level, he'll let us know, okay, everyone got to beat this. Or if it doesn't, he's very capable of saying, okay, you know what? I see your vision, but as of this moment, it just doesn't work. It just won't fit for the final product. And that's the beauty of this creating process. And that weird energy he was talking about, is we all beautifully work within it, and we're all beautifully critical of one another, that nothing ever feels personal. When you talk to someone about the adjustment of their verse or the adjustment of the hook or whatever the fuck happens, it happens to be. [00:27:31] Speaker H: I find that energy through, like, I mean, I love how our music just grows over time. This album that's coming out, we went through, I think, 16 versions of it, and just, like, over time, that energy just kept building, I felt like, and it really shaped the sound of the album, in my opinion. [00:27:51] Speaker A: Cool. Well, we have another person who's just joined us. This group has gotten even larger. So maybe if you want to introduce yourself and just kind of explain what your role is with the group. [00:28:02] Speaker E: Boy yes, sir. [00:28:04] Speaker H: What's up, everybody? As many of you know, I am Monk. I'm a vocalist. I rap, I sing, I play guitar. I make beats. I'm a jack of all trades, as they say. [00:28:18] Speaker A: Cool. [00:28:19] Speaker H: But to be here, and I appreciate you very much. [00:28:23] Speaker B: Sam thank you. [00:28:24] Speaker E: Thank you. [00:28:25] Speaker F: Thank you. [00:28:27] Speaker A: This is interesting. It's fun. It's nice to get out of my comfort zone, too, because like I said at the beginning, I'm used to talking to very small groups of people, and this is a little chaotic, but it's working. So I guess this is the worst question. Everyone hates answering this question, and it's because we're in an era where everything has a subgenre of a subgenre of a subgenre. But what do you call the type of music you play? Because I know hip hop is a big part of it. [00:28:47] Speaker B: I mean. [00:28:47] Speaker A: We've kind of established that already. People are rapping on it, but there's obviously instrumentation in it. There's production, there's all these different elements. Do you just consider it a rap group or do you have sort of a better way of describing it? If someone asks you as vague as. [00:29:04] Speaker E: Alternative is as a genre, it's extremely vague. That's kind of what we is. But it's extremely vague. And it's this weird, nuanced and very niche thing that we are. I can't really say exactly what genre we would typically be because we have songs that are just pure hip hop and then we have other songs that are barely hip hop. [00:29:26] Speaker A: Right? [00:29:27] Speaker E: And so we're kind of just like Monk himself. We're kind of a jack of all trades in a sense. But we are very deeply hip hop rooted. [00:29:35] Speaker D: Yeah, that would be a beautiful way of putting it. We've all talked about it before. It's not so much keeping ourselves in a box. Hip hop is the root of everything we do. That is just sort of where we planted our seeds and we kind of grew individually and as a group together. But like I said, there are definitely songs off Rosebud that you hear that may lean heavy into industrial kind of genre. Then we have another song of more boombap era, you know what I mean? So our goal isn't so much to be like, they're a boombap group, they're industrial kind of group. Our kind of goal is just they're a hip hop group. And if you like what you hear, awesome. And if you don't, that's fine. But just because you hear one album that's in one format or one style does not guarantee that it will carry over to the next album. Our first album, Rosebud, I say it's very industrial with different elements in hip hop that bleed into it. And you listen to all of Rosebud, you're like, okay. And the next album, which we're almost pretty much done, I said from the start, is very gorillas oriented. A lot of instrumentations. A lot of the beats aren't rooted in just pure synths and synth drums. And a lot of it is a Monk on guitar or James doing his own type of thing with live instrumentation, especially with drums. So a lot of it, like I said, it's kind of hard to describe that genre because I know every band says you can't box us in. But our goal, genuinely, is to not be boxed in because we all love so many different types of hip hop. We all love so many different kinds of music that eventually we want to try to touch upon a little bit of everything if we can. [00:31:33] Speaker A: And I guess having all these members from everywhere probably helps too, right? [00:31:36] Speaker D: From different, yes, immensely. [00:31:41] Speaker G: The way I try to look at it is we're a Swiss Army knife, right? A Swiss Army knife is, of course, a knife. That knife being hip hop in this off the cuff metaphor. But a Swiss army knife. You can open cans with it. You can open bottles with it. It's got scissors. It can do all the things. But at the end of the day, the root of it is still a knife. [00:32:03] Speaker A: Right. [00:32:06] Speaker E: That's sounded better in my head. [00:32:09] Speaker D: I kind of stumbled on that, brother. [00:32:13] Speaker E: It's all good. [00:32:37] Speaker B: Can'T kill the habit all I feel is static I push her too far she smiley had it on three to start but I'm four days gone I can chase it back to where all went wrong blood covers it all and it's all my fault where the fuck was I when she needed that call? Roses won't face this I'm out of loss again crossroad decision gratu perfection I follow the script but this isn't a movie the more I dive there's more I'm losing the writing on the wall. [00:33:07] Speaker I: Ain'T that confusing when you know exactly what you're choosing? [00:33:11] Speaker B: I'm feeling abused. [00:33:12] Speaker I: But the method will bury the reaper to my back. I can feel him staring. All that I know is that this bottle will empty. The ones that love me are now resenting. [00:33:23] Speaker B: Jimmy like the man I am. Jimmy like a toy guy. Jimmy, like the man I am. Jimmy like a toy guy. Jimmy, like the man I am. Jimmy like a toy guy. Jimmy, like the man I am. Jimmy like a toy guy. Now when I got your name onto my body, will I be known? I hide you if my love was dead on the right decline so I can keep my smile and if my life was dead on arrival just let me know so I can dance in the purple rain and smile yeah, like a toy guy down, jimmy, like the man I am. Jimmy, like a toy guy down, jimmy. Like the man I am. Jimmy. Like a toy guy down, jimmy. Like the man I am. Jimmy like a toy got download SA love. [00:35:41] Speaker A: Like we kind of established earlier, this new record is going to be out by the time people hear this. And so how do you promote something like this, given the way that the group is put together? Like we sort of said earlier, you can't play shows yet because you're not all in even the same country, necessarily. So how does that work? I mean, how do you get the record, especially? Because we also just determined that your whole sound is pretty nebulous. It's got the hip hop roots, but it's got all these other aspects. So this is a thing that everyone needs to worry about now with the Internet and streaming and the way that people consume music, is that you have to be marketing yourself as well as just making the creative stuff. So how do you sell something like this with so many different elements coming into it and not having sort of a firm location? [00:36:30] Speaker D: I guess that's a wonderful question. I think the beauty of it is I've been doing music since early 2019, late 2019, sorry. So a lot of us, I think we've all amassed I'm just going to use Instagram, for example, while a lot of us have just amassed followers from being in high school and going to college and stuff like that, that there have been an abundance, I think, of followers for everybody that have followed purely just for music. So when you take that element and you say, okay, I know you guys follow me for personally, I make alternative kind of rap music that when you say, okay, well, I have a project coming out with something that is a little different naturally, each person sort of kind of following a crowd. Well, whether or not they gravitate or like it or not is not so much the point. They see it and they'll view it. So it's not so much as it is like booking yourself or making yourself look better. It's trusting your following and enough that your following will follow you where you go. Because obviously they follow you for a reason. Exactly. So the best you can really hope for is that they'll follow you. They'll trust you, and hopefully they'll like the music, and if not, no big deal. But at the same time, you know you're going to amass new followers from that. [00:37:51] Speaker H: I think another thing that helps is reaching out to other artists. Reaching out to other artists, whether they're in our genre or not. Just other people who are coming up as well and building connections that way. So not even like, hey bro, check out my mixtape. But just like actively going out of your way to find new music and new artists and building the connections that way, I find that is the best way of getting promotion for yourself. It's just kind of building this Internet parasocial relationship with somebody who makes music themselves. Because then once you start checking it out and giving feedback, whether it's critical or not, they're going to follow you back, check out your stuff, and nine times out of ten, they're going to return the favor. So I found that to be the best way for me personally, as an underground artist to reach out. [00:38:43] Speaker D: That's some real shit I'd like to. [00:38:46] Speaker F: Piggyback off of Monk. So I do music myself too, my own solo stuff. So I've already built some pretty big connections with some people. I don't think I could expose their name, but I have some connections that I'd like to bring from my stuff over the face tape stuff. [00:39:05] Speaker A: Cool. [00:39:06] Speaker F: I think that's a good way of bringing it over. [00:39:09] Speaker A: So with all of these different members and everything like that, now that when people hear this, Rosebud will be out and they can hopefully check it out and all the various platforms, people find music. But how does someone find out more information about what you're doing as a group, is there a collective place online people can whether it's hearing the songs, finding out about upcoming stuff, you're doing, things like that, is there any kind of social media for the group itself? [00:39:36] Speaker D: We have a discord right now, unfortunately, the whole group, I mean, by this, we're not as active as we should be. A lot of us are kind of hoping for the community to interact among itself, but that general band of fans, we're trying to from my point of view anyway, we're trying to combine all our audiences and just whatever ones like this stuff and like what we're doing. We'll hopefully stick around because our goal is to drop this next album we're working on, not Rose, but the one after that, not too long after the fact, so we can keep that momentum. But otherwise it's just our discord, really. You can follow us individually. We have a group Instagram too. Again, we're not that active on it, as we should be, but the Instagram is just spacey official for those who want to just come and check out to see what we're dropping, what we got coming up next and everything. But otherwise it's definitely a group effort, I would think. I think, James, you got to trust your followers and your friends, right? Because you got to understand that not everyone is going to want to view your story time and time again to see the same thing. Promoted, promoted, promoted. But I think everyone, at least in Call right now, is pretty comfortable with themselves and none of us I don't think any of us really like doing it, but we're pretty okay with just combining all of our fan bases. I know Ryan's got his own. I know Tristan's got his own, I know Finn's has his own. And while they're expecting a certain sound, if you can just show up for the artist, that's kind of what we're hoping for. [00:41:21] Speaker B: Right on. [00:41:22] Speaker C: I do want to mention as well that we also do have a Face tape bandcamp, along with the spotify and everything else. So you can also personally support us and follow and get new updates to the bandcamp as well. [00:41:52] Speaker B: Your pastors watching. I put nine inch nails in your eyelids feel like IMDb lost treading on an island recoup my funds that were back on some duck shit get shot so motion super I've been running on empty somehow still drive let out on HREX somehow still alive like the cake is a lie you want the truth? Go get it. It only reveals itself when you least expect it. [00:42:35] Speaker I: I'm the coldest MC on the side of the north a pack of cigarettes Lionel White I'm on the door of dark liquor hungover in the back of the board I came to spit this verse and then I'll undress her whore I tossed her an extra five because that ass wouldn't quit I'ma come back to life as I'm taking more risks 25 lighters on the dresser I move quick I got the Nike's real tight as I kick in your shit. [00:43:04] Speaker B: It smells like the gate we've got it strapped down down like the kids had a boys it was Cap like the man up I still don't know my pattern so where everybody talking I just walk up the pattern I'm not the way I'm ahead I'm on the way to bread I'm in the way of the dead I'm at the way out of bread I'm on the way to my grand I'm in the great paper space I'm in the great paper space I'm in the great paper space I'm in the great paper space I'm in the great paper space I'm in the great paper space if I'm looking for some big dick she cannot finesse from a nigga real quick body be so heavy me need a big bitch I need around that section drunk sister shoddy want it all drunk fist going to punch him right up in his fucking balls punch him with a cup of my hand so high and so low spin back when I hit I'm moving like full right cleveland with a chopper clean his head out venom to a drop of might as well bring a better mama doodle like a march too much to my body feel a song blocking all the competition in my own tournament bracket you two weeks so I can bet against myself to get past it nick is pathetic thinking fuck you since you got M Six now I'm saying fuck you to all your dicks and all your ex. Fuck all the bitches that are only here in the hips. We don't got any hits of y'all don't even exist. Rock star pink. I got my toys in the attic and I'm over the rainbow. I am a serial addict. I'll make anything hot. So maybe I'll pick up some magic, turn up, run into some flowers, then give her some men. Anyways, they'll be playing worship for days on the radio as I draw figure eight to my blue Kia soul that is under my name. Blue stripe. Unique. No one got the same as me. Classy. It's the last thing that I see when I'm looking beside me. There's my laundry. At least my girls looking good in that lingerie. At least my girls looking good in that lingerie.

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