Their Bandcamp page describes it as “horse taming music”, but local outfit Boys Road has a mountain of eclectic, experimental weirdness out there, including the new 'Brand New Spankin Man' album!
Check out this conversation about the record, the band’s experimental sound, and much more…
This episode brought to you by our pals at Devine Shirt Company and by Hot Goth Summer Fest II, happening Aug. 11 at Blue Note Park!
Huge thanks to everyone who supports the podcast on Patreon! You can help out for as little as a couple bucks a month if you like the show and want to throw some change in the guitar case!
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This week's episode comes to you from deep in the toilet (doo deep doo) of Winnipeg punk rock. Our guests are Adam Parsons of...
You may have heard the news that Nunavut-raised, Manitoba-based pop singer [Kelly Fraser]( has passed away. It’s heartbreaking to hear. She was so young,...
Here's a fun conversation with North Graffiti frontman Johannes Lodewyks about the group's brand new Modern Relics album!We talked about DIY punk rock and...