It's (almost) the end of the year, so I decided to turn my annual year-end "favourite local albums" list into a podcast!
Here's part one -- numbers six through 15 of my overall top 15 -- in an overstuffed episode that includes clips from interviews with a number of artists who made the list, and much more.
Part two, my top five, will be out next episode.
Part one includes releases by artists like Turn the Gun, Well Sister, Ultra Mega, Jocelyn Gould, The Secret Beach, JayWood, Death Trip, Antonio Mazza, Claire Therese and the Lockdown, and Bicycle Face.
As mentioned in the intro, I'm sure I've missed some great stuff, both on this episode and the next, and there are also a lot of albums I didn't consider for 2022 -- mainly stuff that came out too late this year for me to fully absorb.
Records that came out on streaming this year but have physical copies in 2023 count as "2023" releases as well.
Huge thanks to everyone who supports the podcast on Patreon! You can help out for as little as $1 a month if you like the show and want to throw some change in the guitar case! You can also throw a one-time tip via Buymeacoffee.
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