WR501: Jared Adams

Episode 501 July 09, 2020 00:51:46
WR501: Jared Adams
Witchpolice Radio
WR501: Jared Adams

Jul 09 2020 | 00:51:46


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

"Heavy folk" singer-songwriter [Jared Adams](http://jaredadams.bandcamp.com/releases) just put out his debut solo album, ‘Tragic Nostalgia’. We talk about what nostalgia means, some of Jared’s early musical projects before his work with nerdy alt-rock outfit [Colour by Numbers](http://colourbynumbers.bandcamp.com), going solo and the challenges therein, and much more! Don’t forget to check out some socially-distanced shows at [the Park Theatre](http://www.myparktheatre.com/), who have slowly reopened after a long COVID-19 closure. Huge thanks to everyone who supports the podcast on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/witchpolice), including our latest patron, Dana Moore! You can help out for as little as $1 a month if you like the show and want to throw some change in the guitar case!

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