WR458: Ian Lodewyks

Episode 458 February 07, 2020 00:37:58
WR458: Ian Lodewyks
Witchpolice Radio
WR458: Ian Lodewyks

Feb 07 2020 | 00:37:58


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

It's a quick chat with Ian Lodewyks about Friday’s #internationalclashday [tribute to Joe Strummer and The Clash](http://www.facebook.com/events/2197286800373150/[text](http://)) at the West End Cultural Centre. The show features Ian’s Clash tribute band, Guns of Wolseley (with a lot of other familiar faces), plus a Crackdown reunion, [Death Cassette](http://witchpolice.com/e/wr431-death-cassette-37ddbd8e45c9c0/) and [MOSA](http://www.facebook.com/mosawinnipeg/). It’s a deep dive into the long history of the Strummer tribute gigs, as well as the continued importance of “the only band that matters”, especially in times of unrest in the world. The music on this episode comes from live UMFM sessions by both [Guns of Wolseley](http://umfm.com/events/live-sessions/artist/guns-of-wolseley) and [Death Cassette](http://umfm.com/events/live-sessions/artist/death-cassette-the-clash). This episode is brought to you by our pals at [the Park Theatre](http://www.myparktheatre.com/). It’s also brought to you by [Trevor Fisher](http://www.linkedin.com/in/fishertrevor) of Way2Wealth Management, a local Certified Financial Planner who can help you start planning your financial independence. Call him at 204-471-3011 or email him at trevor@way2wealth.ca to get your finances on the right track today! ..and don't forget to check out Manitoba country singer (and past Witchpolice guest) [Brian Jacobs](http://witchpolice.com/e/wr394-brian-jacobs-377790d472f542/), [Feb. 29 at the Kenmor Theatre](http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/brian-jacobs-band-kenmor-theatre-tickets-86810846579) in Morden!

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