WR448: Psyan Project

Episode 448 January 02, 2020 00:48:42
WR448: Psyan Project
Witchpolice Radio
WR448: Psyan Project

Jan 02 2020 | 00:48:42


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

The new year on Witchpolice Radio kicks off with the psychedelic sounds of Filipino-Canadian reggae outfit [Psyan Project](http://www.facebook.com/pg/PsyanProject)! It's a fun conversation about reggae, experimental music, cultural influences, vibes (lots of vibes), aliens... and much more, including a live performance by keyboardist Riel and guitarist/vocalist Ley. I'd been wanting to talk to these guys for quite a while after first hearing about them a few years back, and I'm glad we finally managed to make the connection. This episode is brought to you by our pals at [the Park Theatre](http://www.myparktheatre.com/), as well as the [Beer Boutique](http://www.facebook.com/beerboutiquewpg/), managed by Winnipeg punk mainstay StevO Nelson. …and don’t forget to check out our pals in [Robojom](http://www.facebook.com/robojom/), who are releasing their new record Jan. 11!

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