**Frek Sho** was one of the definitive Canadian rap groups of the 1990s. In this special [two-part](http://www.witchpolice.com/2015/04/wr123-frek-sho-pt-i.html) episode, Rob and Elliott caught up with...
Fifteen years after the release of their last album, iconic Winnipeg two-piece Duotang -- best-known for their late-90s Mint Records output -- are back...
Remember Winnipeg post-rock/shoegaze outfit [Projektor](http://www.instagram.com/theprojektor/) (1999-2006)? They just released their debut, [‘Red Wolf Glass](http://projektor.bandcamp.com/album/red-wolf-glass-deluxe-edition)’, in a deluxe edition with all kinds of bonus material....