WR377: The Rainy Day Apparel

Episode 377 April 25, 2019 00:42:56
WR377: The Rainy Day Apparel
Witchpolice Radio
WR377: The Rainy Day Apparel

Apr 25 2019 | 00:42:56


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

We go live and direct to the teeming metropolis of Carman, Man., to talk to indie-folk singer-songwriter Nathan Strange, a/k/a [The Rainy Day Apparel](https://soundcloud.com/therainydayapparel). It's a fun (remote) conversation about his personal, storytelling songwriting style, about juggling music with a family and a career as a teacher, as well as being an outside to the Winnipeg music scene, but still finding ways to break through. (...and yes, I did say "quietly making noise" in the intro. Shut up. It made sense in my head.) This episode brought to you by our pals at [The Park Theatre](http://myparktheatre.com/)! Thanks to everyone who has supported the podcast thus far. Thanks to supporters like you, we can keep churning out interviews twice a week! If you like the show, please head down to [patreon.com/witchpolice](http://www.patreon.com/witchpolice) and for as little as a $1 month (less than 12 cents an episode), you can help keep the lights on!

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