WR177: The Heights

Episode 177 April 26, 2016 01:09:28
WR177: The Heights
Witchpolice Radio
WR177: The Heights

Apr 26 2016 | 01:09:28


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

We talk soul music, Winnipeg neighbourhoods, 'neck' songs and a whole bunch more with local funk/pop/rock/R&B gang The Heights, who are new on the scene despite having played together (in various combinations and projects) for over a decade. With a debut EP being released June 11 and -- if you can't wait that long -- a show at the Garrick this Friday with past Witchpolice guest Casimir Gruwel -- plus upcoming tour plans and more, The Heights are going all-in for 2016. They played a couple of excellent stripped-down tracks from the record on the show as well, so stay tuned 'til the end!

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