WR103: Autumn Still

Episode 103 December 04, 2014 00:56:05
WR103: Autumn Still
Witchpolice Radio
WR103: Autumn Still

Dec 04 2014 | 00:56:05


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

Just ahead of their EP release show (seriously, if you're listening to this right when it comes out, the show is _tomorrow_ ), we hung out with understated pop trio **[Autumn Still](https://autumnstill.bandcamp.com/) ** and talked about songs that relate to the randomly-generated "mountain" theme. They brought some instruments, too, for a live performance in the Blanket Fort! The video of their live song will be shot directly into your eyeholes later, but while you're waiting, get thee to the Good Will on Dec. 4 to catch Autumn Still alongside past Witchpolice Radio guests **[Beefdonut](http://www.witchpolice.com/2014/07/witchpolice-radio-episode-83-twilight.html) ** and **[Greek Riots](http://www.witchpolice.com/2014/11/witchpolice-radio-episode-99-expensive.html)**.

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