Latest Episodes

WR093: Country Steve
We go full-on spaghetti western this week with our good friend **Country Steve** , who is about to release his first full-length album (for...

WR092: Team Steve
Podcast-o-rama! We welcome Steve and...Steve from Team Steve to the basement for the "obsession" episode. These guys host a local punk show on,...

WR091: Dave Hillyard of The Slackers
New York ska/reggae/soul legends [**Th** **e Slackers**]( are coming to Winnipeg for the first time in over a decade, so we had a conversation...

WR090: Mobina Galore
Things get spooooky this week with the mighty **[Mobina Galore]( ** and the randomly-generated "ghost" theme! Jenna (guitar/vocals) and Marcia (drums/vocals) have been busy...

WR060: James Hope Howard / The Invisible Man
We’re tackling the “wrath” theme this week with guests Aaron Young (a/k/a DJ The Invisible Man) of JFK and the Conspirators alongside blogger (Slurpees...

WR059: The Unbelievable Bargains
Things are a little fishy on this week's episode of Witchpolice Radio. Jon is solo-hosting once again, and he discusses sea creatures with Marshall...