Latest Episodes

WR916: Epic and Rob Crooks
It's a conversation about prairie rap, aging, beats, new music and more with Epic and Rob Crooks! At the time this episode is being...

WR915: Nic Dyson (with guest hosts Sean and Todd McGinity)
It should come as no surprise to regular Witchpolice listeners that I'm a big fan of singer-songwriter Nic Dyson's music, so when guest host...

WR914: VVonder (with guest host Stiff Wiggle)
On this episode, the guest host spot is taken over by the illustrious Stiff Wiggle -- synthesizer enthusiast, art rock experimentalist, and now podcaster!Stiff...

WR913: Shattered Brain Orchestrations
Shattered Brain Orchestrations is a local label centred around Adam Lavoie’s various solo projects, including Varkt, Töt Bête Lögn, Don Calfa, and many more...

WR912: John Paul Peters (with guest host Greg Soden)
The USA’s number one Winnipeg-music-appreciator, Greg Soden (of Unscripted Moments: A Podcast About Propagandhi), is back in the guest-host chair after a successful appearance...

WR911: The Secret Beach
I caught up with songwriter/producer Micah Erenberg to talk about his upcoming record as The Secret Beach, “We Were Born Here, What’s Your Excuse?”,...