I’m not sure why I waited so long to get folk-pop singer-songwriter JP Hoe on the podcast, but we remedied that with a conversation about his new LP, Botanicals, Winnipeg as a source of opportunity, self-examination in the wake of a global pandemic, and much more!
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Local black metal/noise rock/hardcore/etc. outfit Eulogist were one of my favourite discoveries (you may have already been familiar with them) during the pandemic.I hung...
I spent some time with an absolute legend for this episode. Iconic reggae artist [Luciano](http://lucianomessenjah.com/) was in town, live and direct from Jamaica, for...
"Bona fide farmer-philosopher" Jeffrey Cottes, a/k/a singer-songwriter [Fuller Hull](http://fullerhull.ca/), is on the show. We talked about his upcoming folk-roots record, about taking decades off...