WR565: Lana Winterhalt and MoonBell

Episode 565 February 18, 2021 00:42:31
WR565: Lana Winterhalt and MoonBell
Witchpolice Radio
WR565: Lana Winterhalt and MoonBell

Feb 18 2021 | 00:42:31


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

Married musicians [Lana Winterhalt](http://lanawinterhalt.bandcamp.com/) and [MoonBell](http://www.facebook.com/MusicMoonBell) are on the show, talking about their newly-released collaborative instrumental record called [‘Still’.](https://lanawinterhalt.bandcamp.com/album/still) We get into that record, creativity during the pandemic, the ups and downs of working together, being evocative without words, and much more. This episode brought to you by [Devine Shirt Company](http://devineshirtcompany.ca/). Huge thanks to everyone who supports the podcast on [Patreon](http://www.patreon.com/witchpolice). You can help out for as little as $1 a month if you like the show and want to throw some change in the guitar case! You can also throw a one-time tip via [Buymeacoffee](http://www.buymeacoffee.com/witchpolice). As always, if you like the podcast, please tell a friend or 20! Rate and review on your podcast player of choice! Word of mouth is still the main way Witchpolice Radio reaches new ears. Thanks for listening!

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