You may recognize Trevor Tuminski from a time when his former band, Jet Set Satellite, was on MuchMusic and rock radio (seemingly) every 30 seconds… but he’s back with a new project here in Winnipeg, Omens!
Here's a conversation about the debut Omens record, about (refreshingly) starting from scratch as an independent artist after going through the corporate music machine, and much more.
This episode brought to you by our pals at Devine Shirt Company.
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We're always suckers for '90s nostalgia here at Witchpolice Radio, so Winnipeg's Silence Kit -- with their resurrected grunge sound -- were an obvious...
This one's a little different. It's part of a series of episodes I'm doing in collaboration with local rapper Ezoman's Creative Side Entertainment for...
It's a trip to a terrifying murder warehouse with 'consumer math rock' trio [Ceilings]( We talk about their punk rock influences, juggling being in...