Jazz pianist Will Bonness is back on the podcast to talk about his excellent new record, ‘Is This a Dream?’
Tune in for a conversation about the album’s dense sound, its striking artwork, following up a Juno award-winning release (2020's 'Change of Plans'), the 'jazz uniform' and much more!
This episode brought to you by our pals at Devine Shirt Company!
Need more Will Bonness? Check out episode #592 (May 2021).
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[E.GG](http://fourthquarterrecords.bandcamp.com/album/e-gg) is back on the show! We talked about his current home in Toronto, missing Winnipeg’s West End, the way his work with [3Peat](http://fourthquarterrecords.bandcamp.com/album/3peat)...
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