I’m not sure why I waited so long to get folk-pop singer-songwriter JP Hoe on the podcast, but we remedied that with a conversation about his new LP, Botanicals, Winnipeg as a source of opportunity, self-examination in the wake of a global pandemic, and much more!
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It's a conversation about soul, folk, boisterous lyrics and much more with three core members of musical collective [House Handshake](http://www.facebook.com/househandshake/). We talk about their...
Their Bandcamp page describes it as “horse taming music”, but local outfit Boys Road has a mountain of eclectic, experimental weirdness out there, including...
It's a conversation about music and politics with singer-songwriter turned electoral candidate [Adrien Sala](http://www.mbndp.ca/adriensala), NDP Candidate for St. James, who is running for the...