WR416: Screaming at Traffic

Episode 416 September 09, 2019 00:54:47
WR416: Screaming at Traffic
Witchpolice Radio
WR416: Screaming at Traffic

Sep 09 2019 | 00:54:47


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

One-half of hard-touring emo punks [Screaming at Traffic](http://screamingattrafficmusic.bandcamp.com/) are back on the podcast for the first time in a [couple of years](http://witchpolice.podiant.co/e/wr243-screaming-at-traffic-355899a22c1f04L/). We talked about their new, [Jordan Voth](http://witchpolice.podiant.co/e/wr253-jordan-voth-3595e2cd37a52a/)-produced LP, ‘[I Don’t Like Sports](http://screamingattrafficmusic.bandcamp.com/album/i-dont-like-sports)’, some unusual merch, their dual-frontman style, how ‘emo’ isn’t a dirty word anymore, and much more! This episode is brought to you by our friends at [The Park Theatre](http://myparktheatre.com/), who are hosting the second annual [Manitoba Podcast Festival](http://www.facebook.com/mbpodfest) Sept. 29. It’s also brought to you by [Trevor Fisher](http://www.linkedin.com/in/fishertrevor) of Way2Wealth Management, a local Certified Financial Planner who can help you start planning your financial independence. Call him at 204-471-3011 or email him at trevor@way2wealth.ca to get your finances on the right track today! Also, check out the brand new single, “[Ole Hoe Down](http://open.spotify.com/artist/3wfwt19TqWHkHEvViF4cwz)” by country rocker (and [past Witchpolice guest](http://witchpolice.podiant.co/e/wr388-chris-micheal-37671e2e443e4c/)) [Chris Micheal](http://www.facebook.com/chrismichealmusic/)!

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