WR406: Sarau Carioca Live in the Back Yard

Episode 406 August 04, 2019 00:27:07
WR406: Sarau Carioca Live in the Back Yard
Witchpolice Radio
WR406: Sarau Carioca Live in the Back Yard

Aug 04 2019 | 00:27:07


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

As many of you know, I like to host intimate little house shows in my back yard each summer. This episode of the podcast is the recording of one of the sets from our most recent back yard gig. This set is by Brazilian-Canadian samba/bossa nova duo [Sarau Carioca](http://www.saraucarioca.com/), who I was really excited to have on the bill. They're doing something very different from anything we'd had at a house show before, and their mellow, gorgeous melodies are a must-listen... even if you don't speak Portuguese. I’ll be releasing each of these live sets (most likely) as every second episode over the next few weeks, so stay tuned for a performance by Rob Knaggs (as well as the previously-released [Lana Winterhalt](http://witchpolice.podiant.co/e/378e5c502e2c50/) and [Two Crows for Comfort](http://witchpolice.podiant.co/e/3793c9c12d6a1c/) sets), alternating with the regular Witchpolice interviews. This episode is brought to you by Osborne Village’s new pop-up record store, [Old Gold Vintage Vinyl](http://www.instagram.com/oldgoldvintagevinyl204/), and by our friends at [The Park Theatre](http://myparktheatre.com/). Also, be sure to check out our pals in Winnipeg’s [The Lovers](http://www.facebook.com/handsomelousy/), who are set to release a new album – *The Erotic Awakening of Asia’s Mom* – in September on all digital services and on CD. While you wait, check out the out-of-this-world new video for the record’s lead single ‘[State of Mind](http://youtu.be/KouLxbTWe3Y)’, which blends the band’s trademark harmonica-driven, rockabilly/cowpunk sound with intergalactic visuals.

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