WR386: Forest Pilots

Episode 386 May 26, 2019 00:50:45
WR386: Forest Pilots
Witchpolice Radio
WR386: Forest Pilots

May 26 2019 | 00:50:45


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

It's a conversation with two members of local progressive-rock power trio [Forest Pilots](http://www.facebook.com/ForestPilotsMusic/) about their sound, their plans for the future, the way "prog" is a loaded term... and just what *is* a 'Forest Pilot', anyway? Fun chat with a new(ish) local band that has been generating a lot of buzz. These guys were recommended to me by a number of past guests and social media followers. This episode brought to you by our pals at [The Park Theatre](http://myparktheatre.com/)! A HUGE thanks goes out to everyone who has [supported the fundraiser](http://www.gofundme.com/witchpolice-radio-improvement-fund) so far. I’m raising $ to upgrade to better-quality recording gear, and the response has been phenomenal. Your support is greatly appreciated!

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