WR295: Thatcher Robinson

Episode 295 June 27, 2018 00:53:35
WR295: Thatcher Robinson
Witchpolice Radio
WR295: Thatcher Robinson

Jun 27 2018 | 00:53:35


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

"Punk-rap" artist [Thatcher Robinson](http://soundcloud.com/t-robin) hangs out in an unusually loud food court, talks about his new music, and attempts to explain the appeal of Soundcloud rap and emo rap to my old, out-of-touch brain. It's an interesting discussion, because I have absolutely no frame of reference for those subgenres. This episode is brought to you by our friends at the [Park Theatre](http://www.myparktheatre.com/), who have a whole calendar of great upcoming shows. Check it out their website for more details! The episode is also brought to you by [Fourth Quarter Records](http://www.fourthquarterrecords.com/), your home for quality local hip-hop, as well as merchandise like the glorious 3Peat hoodies you've been seeing everywhere lately. If you like this podcast, [please support it](http://www.patreon.com/witchpolice). For as little as $1 a month, you can become a patron and help us keep the lights on. The show is free and always will be, but any help is appreciated. Thanks for listening!

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