WR278: Ridley Bent

Episode 278 April 04, 2018 00:40:50
WR278: Ridley Bent
Witchpolice Radio
WR278: Ridley Bent

Apr 04 2018 | 00:40:50


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

Country storyteller [Ridley Bent](http://www.ridleybent.ca/) is back with his first new record in four years, and he sits down to talk about the new album, his band the Killer Tumbleweeds, his impressions on Winnipeg's music scene as an outsider (albeit one who has been living here for about a decade already), and much more! Head down to [the Park Theatre this Thursday (April 5)](http://www.facebook.com/events/2064772493805421/) for the release of the new album, featuring opener [Kevin Roy](http://www.kevinroymusic.com/) (a familiar name to regular Witchpolice listeners)! This episode brought to you by [Red Moon Road and Hillsburn at the Park Theatre](http://www.facebook.com/events/181874962588396/) (April 18) and by [Low Cloud](http://www.lowcloud.ca/) -- a local, legal online distributor of CBD products. Use our code "CBDWITCH" on their lowcloud.ca website for 15% off your first order. We also have a bit of a bonus at the end of the show: local record producer and past guest [Jordan Voth](http://jnvoth.com/) hooked us up with a brand new track by [Alone I Walk](http://[[text](http://)](http://)aloneiwalk.bandcamp.com/) from their upcoming LP, 'Wander'. Stay tuned to the end of the podcast to hear it!

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