WR240: The Bloodshots

Episode 240 July 20, 2017 01:08:58
WR240: The Bloodshots
Witchpolice Radio
WR240: The Bloodshots

Jul 20 2017 | 01:08:58


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

This week, we're joined by all four members of Selkirk, MB's **[The Bloodshots](https://www.facebook.com/thebloodshots204/)**! They blend elements of punk and blues into a blast of straight-ahead rock n' roll. Coming off a recent nomination at 2017's [Indigenous Music Awards](https://www.indigenousmusicawards.com/nominees/view,profile/211), the Bloodshots have been making a name for themselves as an opening act for high-profile rock acts. Check 'em out July 20 (that's _tomorrow_ ) on a bill with Buckcherry at Club Regent Casino!

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