WR001: First Show

Episode 1 November 15, 2012 02:17:57
WR001: First Show
Witchpolice Radio
WR001: First Show

Nov 15 2012 | 02:17:57


Hosted By

Sam Thompson

Show Notes

So we finally got around to doing a podcast. I've been talking about this idea for years, and it came to fruition a few days ago when I sat down with Jon Askholm and Rob Crooks ** ** and recording a rambling, over-long 'radio show'. The format, if you want to call it that, was that we would each play records and discuss them, and despite a slow start, it actually started working out. We'll be ironing out the kinks in subsequent weeks (it's going to be a weekly show), cutting the show down to an hour and having a weekly theme... but here's the raw, unpolished debut episode of **Witchpolice Radio**.

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