Latest Episodes

WR045: Big Flaming Pile
This week, it's a Sam solo-host job, with three guests: the brain-wizards behind DIY t-shirt manufacturers/filmmakers Big Flaming Pile. In a rare remote show,...

WR044: Crooked Brothers / Mahogany Frog
Jon, solo-hosting this week, is joined by two Jesses: returning guest Jesse Matas of the Crooked Brothers and Jesse Warkentin of Mahogany Frog. They...

WR043: Adam Parsons / Terrorist
This week's episode comes to you from deep in the toilet (doo deep doo) of Winnipeg punk rock. Our guests are Adam Parsons of...

WR042: Yy / Nestor Wynrush
After the success of our special Wu-Tang episode, Witchpolice Radio is straying from the usual random-theme format again this week. For episode #42, Rob...

WR041: Goldwyn Millar / James Requeima
This week's episode features a couple of out-of-town guests, former Winnipeggers Goldwyn Millar and James Requeima. While they're now in Ontario and Quebec, respectively,...

WR040: Darryl Reilly
40 episodes! This week, the fellas talk to Darryl Reilly of CKUW's venerable Peg City Groove and excellent band the Guerrillas of Soul about...